
Stress Scale Calculator, a Windows Phone app that measures your potential for illness

Stress Scale Calculator

Fitness Month

Stress Scale Calculator is a Windows Phone app designed to measure your potential for illness based on several stress factors in your life. Stress affects our health, moods, and general fitness.

The app is extremely simple and is based on the Holmes and Rahe stress scale (more on this in a second) that presents you with a series of stress factors. The more stress, the more than run a risk of illness.

While the Stress Scale Reckoner may not be your typical Windows Phone app to be highlighted during Fitness Month, identifying areas of stress may help your overall health and welfare.

Psychiatry meets Windows Phone

Psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe examined the medical records of over l,000 patients in an attempt to decide whether stressful events could have acquired illnesses. Patients were asked to identify from a list of forty-three life events that they had experienced. Each event was scored with a positive correlation of .118 was discovered between their life events and their illnesses. The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale was born and has been supported through additional studies over the years.

The Stress Scale Computer delivers the Holmes and Rahe Stress Calibration to your Windows Phone in uncomplicated style. You are presented with the forty-three stressful events that include wedlock, retirement, expiry of a close friend, foreclosure, child leaving home, divorce and more. All you demand to do is tap on the event you have experienced and tap the calculate button at the bottom of the screen.

Stress Scale Calculator

Each response carries a life change points score that ranges from xi to 100 with your cumulative score determining your potential or risk of disease. A score of 300+ points is considered a high take a chance of illness while anything below 150 points is considered a slight risk of affliction. As you might expect, scores between 299 and 150 points is considered a moderate risk.

Overall Impression

The interface with Stress Calibration Calculator is simple and while the concept may seem a little far-fetched, the examination is scientifically backed by research. Just go on in mind that the test volition testify your hazard and not a guarantee that you will fall to illness.

Whether or not the risk of affliction comes to fruition, the Stress Calibration Calculator may also assistance you lot identify areas of stress that could be eliminated to improve your overall health and reduce the run a risk of affliction. Again, this may not exist your traditional fitness app but could aid you identify stressor that may be hindering your fettle quest.

  • Stress Calibration Computer - Windows Phone 8 and 7.ten - Free - Shop Link

QR: Stress Scale Calculator


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